Map of Duzi River, Camps Drift to Confluence
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The Msinduzi River "Duzi"

Many exciting races are held on sections of the Duzi between Camps Drift, in Pietermaritzburg, and the "Confluence" with the Umgeni.
The Duzi River is a tributary to the larger Umgeni River and joins it just below Nagle Dam. The entire Duzi course is regulated by Henley Dam and releases for canoe races depend on water availability.
The more popular races on this river include the Dusi Canoe Marathon, 50-Miler, Dash & Crash, Ngwenya Classic, Campbells to Duzi Bridge and the Non-Stop Dusi Marathon.
When referring to the river the spelling is "Duzi" which is short for Msunduzi, whereas the race is "Dusi".