Mbeje's Causeway

Mbeje's Causeway is on the Umgeni River, 300m upstream of Mbeje's Store. In January 2021, the height of the causeway was raised substantially creating an unstable and potentially hazardous drop. As this is effectively the last obstacle where you could damage your boat before the end of Dusi Day 2, you need to consider whether it is worth the risk of shooting it. To portage on either bank is quick and easy.

In previous years this was an insignificant feature with an easy channel down the right, however sand mining activities in early 2021 raised the causeway to allow trucks to cross. The loose nature of the construction means that there will be constant changes to the structure for some years until it settles down. During the 2021 Dusi, many boats in the top end of the field suffered significant damage here. Fortunately for the mid-field paddlers the causeway partially collapsed during the race allowing for a more forgiving centre-right line. This collapse was subsequently repaired after the race, changing the line again by the time the Non-stop Dusi race a few weeks later.
